In a recent incident, police officers responded to a complaint that escalated into a disturbing confrontation. The suspect allegedly assaulted the officers, engaging in highly offensive...
South Africa’s Premier Soccer League (PSL) boasts some of Africa’s wealthiest club owners. Let’s take a closer look at the profiles of the top 10 richest...
In response to the tragic deaths of three family members due to water-borne disease, Gift of the Givers has extended its assistance to Vredefort. The outbreak...
Johannesburg advocate Hassan Kajee charged the state R34.4 million in legal fees for a case defending the minister of police against a damages claim. According to...
Law enforcement recently arrested foreigners for illegally selling merchandise during an operation, highlighting concerns surrounding the presence of illegal foreigners in South Africa. Opera News reports...
Philip Maja, a dedicated member of the Hawks special unit, tragically lost his life during a shootout with criminals in Mamelodi, sparking widespread discussion and mourning...
The family of Tina Pettersson, a former minister and ANC member of parliament, allegedly chooses to have a private funeral instead of a public one, signalling...
Herman Mashaba has shared a video and narrative of a Nigerian individual apprehended in the United Kingdom with a counterfeit South African ID. Mashaba shared this...
In a heartwarming tribute to the late President Nelson Mandela, renowned conductor Ben Zander is set to bring his esteemed youth orchestra to South Africa. This...
The intersection of R55 and Kenilworth Road between Midrand and Kyalami has witnessed numerous accidents, tragically resulting in fatalities. In an attempt to find lasting solutions...