Marc Lottering and Alfred Adriaan have captivated audiences with their stand-up comedy show, “Alfred & Marc,” building a loyal following over the years. The dynamic duo’s...
Cape Town is poised to make history as it bids to host a Formula 1 (F1) Grand Prix, with plans for a 5.7km street circuit around...
In case you missed it, Joburg’s Bree Street, recently renamed Lillian Ngoyi Street, suffered a brutal gas explosion in July 2023. The blast tragically claimed a...
Prince William Champions Youth Engagement at Earthshot Panel During his recent visit to Cape Town, Prince William took a bold step in breaking royal tradition by...
SANTACO Issues Warning to Motorists: Fines for Giving Lifts to Hitchhikers The South African National Taxi Council (SANTACO) has issued a warning to South African drivers,...
Kaytranada’s Highly Anticipated Debut in South Africa Grammy-winning producer and DJ Kaytranada will bring his unique sound to South Africa in 2025. Known for blending house,...
The Amapiano Dance Championship 2024 is an exciting competition that celebrates Amapiano dance culture. Dancers across South Africa will showcase their creativity and passion for this...
She is one of social media’s most booked and active brand ambassadors. Mihlali Ndamase (25) has a following of two million on Instagram and 1,2 million...