Dr Nandipha Magudumana is a skilled medical doctor in aesthetics based in Johannesburg, South Africa. Despite her accomplishments, her reputation is on the line, and she...
The internet was sent into a frenzy when a video of the Dalai Lama allegedly kissings a young Indian boy surfaced. In the video, you can...
Five people will attend the Alice Magistrates Court concerning the murders of Fort Hare University staff members. As reported by Eyewitness News, police arrested the suspects...
Transport department authorities in KwaZulu-Natal are still investigating the circumstances surrounding a massive crash on the N3 highway. According to Eyewitness News, the accident involved five...
Are you looking for the best nursing colleges in Johannesburg to pursue your nursing education? Look no further! Johannesburg is home to some of the top...
During a press conference held on Saturday, South Africa’s Justice and Police Ministers announced that Thabo Bester and Dr Nandipha Magudumana had been arrested in Tanzania...
Investigative journalist Ruth Hopkins extensively reported suspicious activities at Mangaung private prison. It is where the controversial security firm G4S operates. G4S is a British company...
Vandalism and theft of infrastructure may have been the cause of the collapse of at least two electrical pylons over the N4 highway in the east...
The Executive Mayor of the City of Johannesburg, Counsellor Thapelo Amad, has clarified remarks made during an interview on SABC regarding a loan to the City...
On Monday, a multi-vehicle accident and pileup involving 22 light motor vehicles, eight minibus taxis, and five trucks closed the N3 in Pietermaritzburg. According to Eyewitness...