Amidst the ongoing battle against rolling blackouts, residents of Soweto find themselves caught in a relentless struggle for electricity supply, leaving small and medium-sized enterprises (SMMEs)...
In a startling twist of events, whistleblower Patricia Marshal, currently residing abroad due to alleged assassination attempts, has made damning allegations against Bheki Cele, the former...
Protea Glen Mall was the scene of another disturbing incident on Monday evening when perpetrators torched a car, adding to the ongoing battle between minibus taxi...
Pretoria North has been plagued by muggings, assaults, and robberies, with one contributing factor being non-functioning streetlights that create opportunities for criminals to operate under cover...
Over the weekend, police in Gauteng conducted successful operations resulting in the detention of over 1,900 individuals and the seizure of 24 illegal firearms. These arrests...
The water quality in Tshwane has shown signs of improvement after many areas experienced the problem of brown water flowing from their taps. Residents have reported...
In a recent incident of criminal activity, JMPD officers made a significant arrest related to stealing optical fibre in Gillview. On June 1, officers conducting patrol...
As Johannesburg mayor Kabelo Gwamanda prepares to deliver his maiden State of the City address, motorists should anticipate traffic disruptions on several Johannesburg streets. Gwamanda’s speech,...
Residents in various Johannesburg suburbs have shared their pain and frustration as extended power outages continue to plague their areas, leaving them in the dark for...
Johannesburg Executive Mayor Kabelo Gwamanda, accused of being delinquent after only a month on the job, will provide updates on the city’s plans to stabilise the...