Africa is known for its underdeveloped and often unreliable public transport systems, presenting a unique set of hurdles for travellers. However, venturing across the continent via...
Nigerian superstar Burna Boy is gearing up to deliver an unforgettable performance at Johannesburg’s renowned FNB Stadium on 23 September 2023. Fans might recall Burna Boy’s...
South African motorists should prepare for more stringent driving rules as the Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences (Aarto) Act implements a demerit system. The demerit...
Electricity Minister Kgosientsho Ramokgopa has apologised for the recent surge in blackouts, citing a decline in generating capacity and adverse weather conditions in Gauteng. Ramokgopa highlights...
SAPS is advising residents on how to prevent fires, particularly given the bitterly cold temperatures lately. The authorities urge the public to avoid lighting fires inside...
Matric learners got a treat with the snow at Our Lady of Lebanon. The learners were surprised on July 10 as they began their winter schooling...
Deputy national police commissioner of crime detection Shadrack Sibiya stated that the recent truck attacks are linked to labour issues, notably the employment of foreigners, and...
Power outages in Alexandra have led to the deployment of law enforcement authorities on Monday morning to address a community protest that resulted in the closure...
The raw sewage stench in Mackenzie Park has residents of Snipe Street accusing the City of Ekurhuleni of neglecting their complaints about blocked sewer lines, affecting...
Very cold weather is expected in SA. The South African Weather Service warns of another cold front set to reach the country this week following the...