In the southern reaches of Gauteng, adjacent to Evaton, lies the community of Waterdal. Once a bastion of agricultural livelihoods, this locale now grapples with a...
On the 17th of August, an incident of significant concern unfolded in Glenvista, as Fox Security promptly apprehended a suspect on charges of sexual assault. The...
Gauteng Metrorail has successfully reinstated the train service between Mabopane and Pretoria. This vital connection had been disrupted due to a derailment at Hercules station in...
Mandisa Latha, a 30-year-old trailblazer from Bedfordview, has shattered barriers and set an inspiring precedent in the male-dominated automotive industry. Having spent seven years at Mercedes...
Dukathole residents are demanding better living conditions. As part of the mayoral outreach program “Masisebenzeni,” the mayor recently toured the area, inspecting service delivery and engaging...
A property owner is rebelling against paying rates. Gideon Trollip of Glen Austin has maintained a decades-long dispute with the city over his rates and water...
The Boksburg Magistrate’s Court will witness a significant legal development as Michael Jacobus Willemans will make his plea next week. Willemans, the alleged perpetrator of widespread...
‘Operation Shanela’ made a significant breakthrough recently. The South African Police Service launched the initiative on Saturday, August 19. Over the weekend, police successfully recovered over...
Veld fires in the North West province continue to wreak havoc, prompting a coordinated response from firefighting teams. Yesterday, Potchefstroom received vital reinforcements, including two helicopters,...
In a concerning incident, a municipal worker was arrested for selling cough medicine to Vanderbijlpark learners. The 53-year-old municipal employee from Emfuleni Local Municipality was apprehended...