Nestled within South Hills on the unassuming Outspan Road, what initially appeared to be an innocuous concern swiftly evolved into an enduring source of exasperation for...
Amid South Africa’s pressing energy crisis, Electricity Minister Kgosientsho Ramokgopa has revealed that Eskom is seeking over R200 billion for essential expansion and reinforcing its strained...
Joanne Swartbooi faces 10 years imprisonment for the murder of her boyfriend and father of her three children, Timothy Jacobs. Judge Moleboheng Mdalana-Mayisela handed down the...
South African rugby is in mourning following the tragic passing of former Springbok captain Theuns Stofberg. Stofberg passed away due to injuries sustained in a traffic...
Six new nations will join BRICS in 2024. South African President Cyril Ramaphosa announced this news during the BRICS summit in Johannesburg on August 24, 2023....
BRICS leaders agreed to expand the membership. The South African government made this announcement on Wednesday. Jacaranda FM reports that discussions about its enlargement have been...
In a recent crackdown, Gauteng Traffic Police seized 29 small yellow taxis used for e-hailing services without the requisite operating licenses. According to Jacaranda FM, the...
Mbuyiseni Gema (48), a police sergeant, stood before the Ixopo Magistrates Court on Monday, facing a charge of murder following the tragic killing of his girlfriend,...
The sentencing proceedings of the Boksburg fraudster convicted of embezzling over R500 million have entered a crucial phase. As the case continues at the Johannesburg Commercial...
The heroic actions of Moipone Tshabalala (27) have earned her the title of a true hero among the residents of Wattville. In a tragic turn of...