In an unexpected turn of events, renowned South African comedian Leon Schuster found himself admitted to a hospital in Pretoria, not as part of one of...
On Saturday, the Spanish football federation lodged accusations against Jenni Hermoso, a Women’s World Cup player, labelling her statements about a kiss with federation president Luis...
A remarkable video has surfaced, capturing a group of young men undergoing a rigorous training session within the ranks of the South African Police Service (SAPS),...
In a significant announcement, Electricity Minister Kgosientsho Ramakgopa has revealed a pivotal development in South Africa’s quest to modernise its electricity infrastructure and combat the pressing...
Maintaining road safety and upholding legal regulations is of paramount importance. In alignment with this mission, the EMPD (Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Police Department) has initiated disseminating vital...
The prolonged standoff over responsibility for repairing the Rondebult sinkhole, which has been open for about seven months, appears to have been broken as authorities take...
Potholes in Parkmore are returning due to an ongoing water leak on 13th Street at the intersection with Olympia Avenue. Just two weeks ago, Discovery’s Pothole...
As South Africa continues its efforts to address the country’s energy emergency and achieve lower levels of load shedding, Electricity Minister Kgosientsho Ramokgopa has announced that...
Following the inaugural security meeting conducted by the Region A Citizen Relationship Unit Management and Region A officials to enhance law enforcement measures in Midrand, concerns...
The jets are creating a noise over Sandton. Residents and observers are puzzled, with no official explanation for the ongoing activity, even four days after the...