Mark your calendars for the Joburg Underground Film Festival, a celebration of experimental, radical, and unconventional cinema from around the globe. This unique festival is scheduled...
Join in the excitement at the Night Market, a monthly event held on the first Thursday of each month at Cradlestone Mall. The upcoming Night Market...
OpenAI, the organisation behind ChatGPT, a generative AI chatbot, has released a comprehensive guide to assist teachers in effectively integrating ChatGPT into their teaching practices. This...
A heartwarming TikTok video featuring a devoted father and his daughter has struck a chord with viewers, leaving them deeply moved. The video captures a father’s...
Following the tragic fire incident that occurred in Marshalltown, Johannesburg, resulting in the loss of 74 lives, the Gift of the Givers team has taken swift...
The City of Johannesburg is grappling with a substantial road infrastructure backlog, necessitating an estimated R154 billion to rectify. This extensive backlog also encompasses the City’s...
In a significant development in the trial concerning the 2014 murder of South African footballer Senzo Meyiwa, it has been revealed that the 9mm parabellum pistol,...
On August 22, a distressing incident unfolded in Esselen Park Greenfields, prompting a concerned neighbour to contact local authorities after stumbling upon a murder scene. The...
The City of Ekurhuleni is facing growing concerns over the substantial expenses incurred in replacing traffic lights, a significant portion of which are damaged due to...
Rhodesfield residents have voiced their frustration regarding the ongoing issue of e-hailing drivers parking outside their properties, leading to a tense situation that has persisted since...