Kfm Mornings with Darren, Sherlin, and Sibs recently delved into the realm of top-paying jobs in South Africa, as shared by Darren Simpson. Although the exact...
The Johannesburg Road Agency (JRA) acknowledges the presence of a significant developing hole at the intersection of George (Maid Marion) and Kent Avenue in Ferndale. However,...
In the year 2000, Gilroy’s Brewery officially emerged from its corner in a factory to become a legal entity. Also Read: South African Student Avoids Jail...
Pieter van Wyk, curator of the Ai-|Ais/ Richtersveld Transfrontier Park desert botanical garden nursery, has uncovered a new pelargonium species in the Richtersveld. Also Read: Zikalala...
Tshwane Mayor Cilliers Brink acknowledges the current state of the metro and pledges to address poor service delivery. Also Read: PRASA Scandal – Four-Year Postponement and...
City Power’s efforts to disconnect services due to non-payment, specifically targeting entities supplied by its Alexandra depot to recover R15 million, face challenges as some entities...
A tragic incident occurred on November 9 as a 50-year-old cyclist lost his life in a collision on Great North Road. Also Read: Former Bodyguards of...
In an incident in Olifantsvlei, south of Johannesburg, two City Power contractors were arrested for soliciting a R2,000 bribe from a customer during a joint sting...
Want a whole new lifestyle-experience? A place where you can be part of a modern community? Plugged in when you want, switched off when you don’t? The...
In a recent incident on the R559 between Randfontein and Carletonville, a herder was assaulted, and 150 cattle were targeted in a stock theft, as confirmed...