In a triumphant turn of events, Trevor Noah is set to launch a new comedy show in 2024, marking a significant victory for the internationally acclaimed...
Rand Aid marked a joyous occasion by celebrating the birthdays of 11 residents ranging from 95 to 100 years old. Hailing from various Rand Aid facilities,...
In a decisive legal development, the Kempton Park Magistrate’s Court handed down a sentence on November 6 to a hitman associated with the notorious serial killer...
Shaylee van Oostrom, a student at Hoërskool Kempton Park, is on the brink of realising her dreams as her comic book, Demon Force, is now being...
In a notable achievement, four Grade Six students from Westside Primary School took on the role of Webrangers at the Media Monitoring Africa International Children’s Day...
In the quiet suburb of Rynfield, Charles and Madelein Botha defied the conventional notion that it takes a village to raise a child, proving that, in...
In a significant development, President Cyril Ramaphosa has formally submitted a referral to the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate alleged war crimes committed by Israel...
Young superstar in the making Kiara Dicks has become a standout figure in the world of golf, despite having started playing the sport in 2019. The...
There is a “recovered vehicle scam” currently in circulation. Community members should be aware they will only receive communication from the investigating officer if their car...
A Gift of the Givers member, along with his brother, was targeted and killed in Gaza, marking a tragic loss for the humanitarian aid group. According...