Water Leak on Kelly Avenue: Councillor Takes Creative Action to Get Johannesburg Water’s Attention

A serious water leak has been flowing from an underground pipe on Kelly Avenue in Boskruin since early 2024. Despite repeated reports, Johannesburg Water (JW) has yet to fix the issue. The leak has formed a large puddle next to a house, wasting thousands of liters of water. Resident Andrew Usher noticed the problem and began reporting it right away. He tried calling the JW call center, but received no response. Since May, Usher has sent over 16 emails, including a video and GPS location of the leak, but only received two reference numbers in return.
Councillor Steenkamp’s Frustration Grows
Ward 134 councillor Devon Steenkamp became involved in October, after he heard nothing from JW. Steenkamp reached out, but although a JW official called him to help locate the leak, no repairs were scheduled. Steenkamp has been pushing for action, sending multiple emails and messages, but so far, there has been no progress. He’s frustrated: “I’ve tried everything, but no one is responding. It’s becoming impossible to get anyone to fix this.”
Creative Protest: Fishing in a Flooded Street
To get JW’s attention, Steenkamp took an unusual approach. He went fishing in the puddle created by the leak. “It looks like Johannesburg Water has changed their business model,” Steenkamp joked. “Instead of fixing leaks, they’re creating ponds with clean water.”
His playful protest highlights a serious issue: the city is losing large amounts of water from bursts, leaks, and aging pipes. Steenkamp added that the water from this leak has turned the area into a small wetland, but that’s little consolation when so much water is wasted every day.
Johannesburg Water Responds
Nombuso Shabalala, a spokesperson for JW, confirmed that the leak is being investigated. She explained that the leak is caused by aging infrastructure, and JW needs to order new materials before repairs can begin. She assured that the utility is committed to reducing water loss during repairs and is working on more sustainable solutions.
However, for residents like Usher and Steenkamp, this explanation hasn’t solved the problem. “We have too many leaks because the city’s infrastructure isn’t being fixed properly,” Steenkamp said.
A Larger Problem: Aging Infrastructure and Water Waste
The leak on Kelly Avenue is just one example of the bigger problem in Johannesburg. Many of the city’s water pipes are old and prone to breaking. These leaks waste valuable water and are made worse by illegal connections and poor maintenance. While Johannesburg Water is working on solutions, residents are still waiting for action.
Immediate Action Needed
The Kelly Avenue leak is a clear sign that Johannesburg’s water infrastructure needs urgent attention. The city can’t afford to waste more water, and residents like Steenkamp are growing increasingly frustrated. For Johannesburg Water to regain trust, they must respond faster to leaks and focus on fixing the city’s aging pipes. Without action, these problems will only continue to get worse.