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Stephanie Chronicles Her World Championship Journey



Stephanie Chronicles Her World Championship Journey

At just 22 years old, Stephanie Singh’s passion for dance has taken her on a remarkable journey, culminating in her selection for the world championship. Growing up inspired by her older brothers’ dance skills, Stephanie describes herself as a freestyler with an old-school yet groovy style.

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Reflecting on the honour of being chosen for the world championship, Stephanie expressed both humility and excitement. The experience proved to be eye-opening, revealing the universal language that dance creates, connecting individuals from diverse backgrounds. Witnessing the skill and dedication of dancers worldwide left her feeling inspired and motivated.

For Stephanie, dance is not just a hobby; it’s a way of life. Since childhood, she has used dance to process life’s ups and downs. It serves as her creative outlet, pushing her to new levels. Drawing inspiration from various sources, Stephanie incorporates diverse influences into her dancing.

Preparing for the championship involved more than dance training for Stephanie; it encompassed physical and mental preparation. She committed to daily training over the past two years, combining dance with physical exercises. Mental training, including prayer, meditation, and emotional self-care, became crucial aspects of her journey.


Stephanie’s advice to fellow dancers is encouraging. She acknowledges that some days will be challenging, but she emphasises the importance of perseverance. Having low days is acceptable, but she urges dancers not to let setbacks hinder their progress. By setting goals, believing in themselves, and maintaining a resilient mindset, dancers can overcome obstacles and achieve their aspirations.

Source: Stephanie shares her world championship experience

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Photo: Supplied by Randburg Sun

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