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South African Lottery Scandal Figure Embraces Jet-Setting Lifestyle



Infamous lawyer Lesley Ramulifho, whose questionable dealings have reaped him staggering profits from National Lottery grants and legal work on behalf of the National Lotteries Commission, appears to be savouring a lavish existence that involves jet-setting across the globe to indulge in extravagant vacations at exotic retreats.

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Ramulifho’s opulent lifestyle is underscored by his luxurious residence on the prestigious Mooikloof Country Estate near Pretoria, as well as an additional mountainside house in Simonstown as reported by All Africa. However, the National Prosecuting Authority’s Assets Forfeiture Unit (AFU) has intervened, successfully obtaining a preservation order to freeze both properties.

The AFU employed the authority granted by the Prevention of Organised Crime Act to secure these orders aimed at tackling organised crime, money laundering, and criminal gang activities.

Prior investigations by GroundUp disclosed the startling narrative of how Ramulifho, utilising a nonprofit organisation named Denzhe Primary Care, manoeuvred to obtain Lottery grants amounting to R27.5 million for constructing a drug rehabilitation centre near Pretoria. Regrettably, the facility’s substandard construction resulted in its rapid deterioration within just a few years.


A significant portion of the Denzhe grant, approximately R5 million, was surreptitiously funnelled into acquiring and furnishing Ramulifho’s upscale Pretoria abode, fueling his extravagant lifestyle.

Ramulifho’s attempt to challenge a case against him involving a forged bank statement was unsuccessful in a recent legal defeat.

Undeterred by these legal setbacks, Ramulifho is contesting the freezing orders on his properties, including two Ocean Basket restaurants he owns in Pretoria. The AFU contends that these assets were acquired with Lottery funds. Additionally, he is appealing his earlier loss against GroundUp.

Curiously, his legal predicaments have failed to rein in his extravagant behaviour.

Although he had previously appeared camera-shy, a quick discovery of Ramulifho’s Instagram page revealed a side of him that relishes the spotlight. Describing himself as a “global citizen,” he readily displays his life of luxury and globe-trotting escapades.


His Instagram chronicles his visits to Paris, Cuba, Colombia, the United States, Seychelles, Turkey, and Dubai. Ramulifho offers snapshots of stays at luxurious establishments such as the Four Seasons and the Radisson Blu. At the same time, his expensive watch collection is frequently showcased.

Even the challenges posed by international travel restrictions due to the pandemic didn’t impede Ramulifho. His Instagram adventure commenced shortly after travel restrictions were lifted in late 2020. Initial posts depicted him exploring Vietnam on a scooter, shopping in Turkey, and celebrating the New Year while skiing in Russia.

Evidently a connoisseur of high-end brands, he is often clad in branded attire, accompanied by expensive watches. 2021 witnessed his return to Turkey, with a visit to Cape Town preceding his Dubai trip for “business” in January. Multiple trips were undertaken to Cape Town, where he favoured the penthouse suite of the Radisson Blu.

As of August 2021, Ramulifho was basking in the Maldives’ splendours, and his Instagram journey showcased a rendezvous with renowned South African artist Marco Olivier, along with a custom sculpture by Olivier. More exploits followed, including trips to New York, Paris, and Mexico, where he spent Christmas and New Year’s Eve. While in Mexico, he even explored Pablo Escobar’s former mansion in Colombia.

His 2022 escapades featured visits to Cape Town, New York, Miami, Cuba, and the Bahamas, with attendance at the FIFA World Cup.


Remarkably, Ramulifho’s affiliation with the Radisson Blu was so frequent that the hotel commented that its penthouse suite was his “Cape Town home.” In a rather audacious claim, he announced on Instagram that he had acquired a jet: “When life gives you lemons, buy a freaking jet.”

This year, he embarked on trips to Paris, Turkey, and the Seychelles, where he luxuriated on pristine beaches while flaunting high-end sneakers and an apparent white gold watch. His lavish stay at the Four Seasons Resort in Seychelles and his first-class travel to the island nation were meticulously documented on his Instagram stories.

Posts also showcase Ramulifho on private aircraft, seemingly boarding a helicopter and relaxing in first-class seats on commercial flights. A snapshot from November 2021 also depicts him touring the Cape Winelands in a Ferrari.

Among his posts are images of Ramulifho with his close friend Philemon Letwaba, the former chief operating officer of the NLC (National Lotteries Commission). Letwaba, implicated in the Lottery scandal, resigned under a cloud of corruption allegations. A caption accompanying a photo of the two reads, “Dreams not enough… we’ve to go get that shit #dreamchasers.”

Ramulifho’s opulent lifestyle extends to his residence on the Mooikloof estate, replete with designer furnishings, art pieces, and even a custom painting on the dining room ceiling. The mansion showcases his designer clothing, sneakers, and valuable watch collection.


Known for his charm, Ramulifho’s facade conceals a more cunning side, as described by acquaintances who have interacted with him. His ability to play both sides of the coin has earned him a reputation that few wish to challenge.

Despite requests for comment, Ramulifho remained silent on the matter. In contrast, Letwaba responded dismissively to the inquiries, suggesting that the focus should be elsewhere.

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Photo by dylan nolte on Unsplash

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