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Rates Payment Rebellion: Property Owner Refuses to Comply



property owner is rebelling against paying rates

A property owner is rebelling against paying rates. Gideon Trollip of Glen Austin has maintained a decades-long dispute with the city over his rates and water charges, sparking a rebellion against the property rates he considers unjust.

Stretching back to 2004, Trollip’s dissatisfaction with the city’s billing persists even 19 years later. While his water account concerns have been resolved after clarifying his use of borehole water instead of municipal supply, his monthly rates bill still tallies R2,000.

Despite being over 60 and qualifying for pensioner property rebates that alleviate the total rates burden, Trollip asserts that he has yet to receive the entitled reduction. He cites his core grievances as inadequate property valuation, lack of amenities such as sewerage, proper roads, streetlights, and deficient maintenance of the main panhandle.

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His prolonged grievances led Trollip to cease paying his rates, citing the absence of corresponding services. He has sought resolution by visiting the city’s office multiple times, yet remains unsatisfied and now invites legal confrontation.


However, property owners are being cautioned about elevated municipal bills for July due to annual tariff increases on service charges and property rates, influenced by revised property values.

Kgamanyane Maphologela, Group Finances Director for Communications and Stakeholder Engagement, clarified that pensioners who held property rebates that expired on June 30, 2023, must reapply and be reassessed for the new rebates. Successful applications submitted by September 30, 2023, will be retroactively implemented from July 1.

Maphologela stressed the importance of ongoing payment for municipal services while awaiting resolution on objections and pensioner rebates.

Source: Property owner rebels against paying rates

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Picture: Pexels / Max Rahubovskiy

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