The City of Tshwane warned commuters on Wednesday about potential delays in its bus service due to strike action. Jacaranda FM reports that this action follows...
Police said they are searching for the kidnappers of two ActionSA members on Tuesday evening. Police spokesperson Brigadier Brenda Muridili said the ActionSA members were kidnapped...
In a recent ruling, Judge Brenda Neukircher deemed a Pretoria woman’s bid for increased child maintenance for her two-year-old an abuse of court processes, leading to...
Amidst the picturesque landscape of Lonehill Dam, the iconic willow tree has long been a cherished feature, admired by residents and visitors alike. Nadeem Abrahams from...
Comedian Leon Schuster shared that he was “not in a good place” following a second surgery after he fell at his house while still recovering from...
An ambulance was damaged in a spiking incident on the N4 while responding to a life-threatening callout. Paramedics reported the incident near the Rosslyn offramp, highlighting...
Four high school pupils from Ivory Park, Johannesburg, fell ill at Eqinisweni Secondary School. According to Jacaranda FM, Gauteng Department of Education was alarmed and took...
A 33-year-old Boksburg South woman wants justice after a road rage incident on the corner of North Rand and Herman Pieters roads on April 30. Sheree...
Electricity Minister Kgosientsho Ramokgopa has once again denied that the sudden improvement in the load-shedding situation is linked to the upcoming elections. On Monday, Ramokgopa briefed...
Winter is just around the corner, so maintaining tyres is essential to staying safe in slippery conditions on the road. With cooler air and the risks...