As Women’s Month draws to an end, Natasha Anderson, the driving force behind South Africa’s Women in Tech series, emphasised the pivotal role of women in...
The Juno Aurora Haven for children in Kelvin has fallen into dire straits and needs emergency philanthropic assistance from the Sandton community to keep their mission...
In a remarkable celebration of entrepreneurship and empowerment, the second annual Bidvest Bank Sorbet-Preneur programme announced its three winners, each of whom will soon own and...
The diocese of the Highveld Anglican Men’s Guild will host their annual fundraising golf day on September 22, at the ERPM Golf Club in Boksburg. The...
The South Crest Residents Association (SCRA) NPC is a beacon of community spirit and collective effort. From its humble beginnings with just 10 members, it has...
Laerskool Generaal Alberts learners recently participated in a school-based debate competition. Learners from grades One to Seven participated, and each grade received a different debate topic....
The Brackendowns CPF Sector Two Meeting The Brackendowns CPF invites residents to attend the forum’s Sector Two – comprising Brackenhurst and Meyersdal – meeting on September...
Die NG Kerk Alberton-Wes se ‘blommetoer’ en oggendpraatjie deur Jannie Putter, spesiaal vir die manne, was ‘n oggend om te onthou. Lidmate van die kerk het...
Nkosindiphile Xhakaza, the mayor of the CoE, announced the approval of the updated Debt Relief and Incentive Scheme. Xhakaza congratulated Jongizizwe Dlabathi, the recently appointed MMC...
The Porcupine Ridge Pizzeria Challenge, South Africa’s beloved food competition, is back for its fourth edition, seeking to crown the nation’s top pizzamaker as chosen by...