In a groundbreaking move that harmonizes the realms of fashion and whisky aficionados, Johnnie Walker Blonde has joined forces with the Johannesburg-based clothing label, Happyville, in...
The Pop-Up Gym phenomenon returned to Sandton’s Inanda Club on September 1, with a jubilant celebration of wellness, beauty, and revitalization. The event, known as the...
Following a recent water outage that affected Hurlingham, a resident voiced his concern over irregularities in his water meter readings. One resident, who preferred to remain...
Athol’s 250th parkrun on August 24 marked a milestone in the community’s commitment to health and camaraderie. Held at the scenic Athol Park with lush greenery...
In a heartwarming display of community spirit, students from The IIE’s Varsity College Sandton’s faculty of education recently concluded a month-and-a-half-long food drive, collecting and donating...
Crawford International Sandton College recently hosted its annual Fun Run and Walk event on August 31, drawing a large crowd despite the cold weather. The event,...
Residents are unfazed by Nersa’s planned uptick in electricity tariffs, while the civil rights organisation AfriForum says it will participate in the public consultation process to...
Die koördineerder van leeskringe in en om Pretoria, Johan Talma, glo dat soos tye verander, moet daar by aangepas word en dit geld ook vir leeskringe....
City Property, the metro and partnering organisations recently collaborated to give Church Square a spring clean-up. The large-scale initiative took place on September 6 forming part...
In a report on gender-based violence, statistics show that Pretoria is the city in South Africa from which the second-highest number of emergency calls have been...