In Pretoria CBD, a painter recently created a portrait of a fellow artist who had been a source of inspiration during the challenging times of the...
In an initiative to support residents in need, award-winning musician Haksul Muziq is preparing to host a community fundraising event on November 1 at Eden Ridge...
Sundowners Hosts Family Day Event, Kids Carnival Sundowners restaurant in Alberton recently organized a family day event known as the Kids Carnival, aimed at bringing families...
Tiaan Grundling and André Huysamen, well-known and beloved singers originally from Pretoria, have released a new single titled “Vat my saam,” marking their return after a...
Two Pretoria teenagers walked away with prizes at the ATKV-Toneelfinaal held at Kunstekaap in Cape Town from September 23-28. Liza Stolz, portraying Priska in the production...
The Baragwanath Hospital Comforts Committee (BHCC), a registered hospital and clinic outreach NPO, selected The House of Yay at The Marc in Sandton as the venue...
Johannesburg is preparing for the upcoming SPAR Women’s Challenge scheduled for October 6 at Marks Park, welcoming women of all fitness levels to participate in either...
Ward 102 councillor Lucinda Harman led efforts to address an issue at the corner of Winnie Mandela Drive and Republic Road, Hurlingham, in response to concerns...
A solo exhibition titled “Stress Narcotika” by Fringe was recently held at Hyde Park Corner, marking the artist’s 13th solo exhibition globally, which commenced on September...
A widespread power outage has impacted multiple areas in Pretoria East, leaving residents without electricity since 23:39 last night. The affected areas include Lombardy, Mooiplaats, Shere,...