Amidst scorching sun rays, a contingent of 200 South African firefighters concluded their final training session on Tuesday before embarking on a journey to assist Canada...
In just one week following the budget speech delivered by Nkululeko Dunga, the MMC of Finance, residents of Germiston found a glimmer of hope as a...
Tshireledzo Ndou is facing attempted rape and assault charges in Bainsvlei, Free State. According to CrimeinSA on Twitter, Ndou, known for his legal representation in high-profile...
The Lynnwood, Stellenberg, and Meerlust roads will get upgrades in the coming 11 months as the Tshwane metro embarks on a major upgrade project for these...
A road rage incident in Krugersdorp resulted in the tragic death of a 31-year-old man. It injured another man near the Pinehaven intersection crossing close to...
Joburg Water received a R15b budget. During his budget speech in Braamfontein, Johannesburg Finance MMC Dada Morero announced this development to address the persistent water supply...
Several people died after a head-on crash on Beyers Naudé Drive on June 10. The crash occurred shortly after midnight, just after the Peter Road intersection...
Despite its challenging financial situation, Johannesburg wants to spend R80.9 billion to deliver services and cover costs for the upcoming financial year. Moneyweb reports that the...
A protest in Diepkloof, south of Johannesburg, has prompted authorities to advise motorists to steer clear of the N1 north and N12 east split at the...
Signet Terrace Shopping Centre has announced the successful completion of its state-of-the-art solar power plant, marking a significant milestone in pursuing sustainable energy consumption and reducing...