Anthony Anderson, the American actor known for his “Blackish” role, sent his heartfelt congratulations to Banyana Banyana for their remarkable progress at the FIFA Women’s World...
The celestial spectacle continues as August brings forth a series of astronomical events. From planetary viewing opportunities to deep space wonders and meteor showers, this month...
Load-shedding has forced homes and businesses to rely on alternative heating and energy devices, but with this comes the need for caution and fire prevention measures....
The Department of Home Affairs seeks public input on the Draft Marriage Bill 2022, which aims to recognise all types of intimate partnerships, regardless of gender,...
Shoprite Group is offering high-performing students a chance to apply for their bursary programme for the 2023 and 2024 academic years. Students pursuing degrees in criminology,...
A Johannesburg High Court judge, acting Judge Zubair Khan, has ruled in favour of the John Martin Catholic School in Krugersdorp, bordering the Mogale City Municipality,...
Elon Musk, CEO of X/Twitter, made headlines after an altercation with South African politician Julius Malema. Malema, the head of a South African political party, made...
Recently, they successfully recovered a stolen vehicle through a coordinated takedown. Ward councillor Malcolm de Klerk and company guards discovered a significant amount of cash in...
A couple was hijacked on the N12 highway, showing how more motorists have become targets of brazen criminals in the region where there has recently been...
Police have arrested 43 foreign nationals in Riverlea for various crimes since Tuesday, following the deployment of the police’s Special Task Force in response to the...