In the heart of Selcourt resides Anna-Mari Botes, an energetic 56-year-old with an unparalleled passion for the unassuming charm of salt and pepper shakers. Beyond mere...
In a momentous decision, a verdict of 9-1 has elevated homophobic hate speech to the same legal echelon as racist hate speech in Brazil. This significant...
Johannesburg Mayor Kabelo Gwamanda faces a motion of no confidence next week as his tenure encounters scrutiny and challenges. news24 reports that Gwamanda assumed the mayoral...
The stage was set aglow with excitement as the 45th annual Mister and Miss Benoni Pageant took place on August 20, showcasing the local beauties and...
Martin van der Vyver, the sole remaining member of the Boksburg to Italy journey, has faced a harrowing ordeal during his travels. On August 14, en...
Calls to end the ongoing Tshwane municipal workers strike have escalated as more political parties join the appeal. The strike, which has persisted for three weeks,...
There has been a call to support farmers at the BRICS Business Forum, where leaders have been urged to pioneer the development of a robust farming...
President Cyril Ramaphosa Ramaphosa calls for investment in Africa and the business community to collaborate to address the rapid economic, technological, and social changes. President Ramaphosa...
According to former Carte Blanche producer Bernadette Maguire, Derek Watts will be remembered for his humility. SABC News reports that Derek Watts, a widely respected veteran...
In the aftermath of a daring crime that stunned a local community, a determined search is underway for the ATM bombers responsible for a recent explosion...