A devastating fire in central Johannesburg that erupted in a five-story building has resulted in a tragic loss of life, with the death toll now standing...
In a significant stride towards enhancing women’s safety, hundreds of women in Daveyton have become recipients of personal alarms designed to mitigate and prevent gender-based crimes....
Brakpan Police Station has enhanced its communication capabilities by implementing nine active lines for incoming and outgoing calls. These contact numbers serve as valuable resources for...
The City of Johannesburg has announced its readiness to launch the upcoming swimming pool season throughout the metro, bringing excitement to residents and visitors alike. Member...
The Democratic Alliance (DA) in Gauteng has brought attention to the considerable expenditure by Gauteng municipalities on water tanker rentals. This practice has had a notable...
Alleyroads, a prominent black-owned national property developer and landlord focusing on affordable residential housing, retail, and industrial property, has secured R175 million from the International Finance...
The collaborative efforts of the government and the Land Bank have brought about much-needed relief for farmers grappling with the impact of load shedding. The launch...
Gauteng Police Commissioner Elias Mawela has presented a disturbing report of a 4.1% rise in crime within the province over three months. Speaking at the Gauteng...
David Chauke, a persistent litigant, has seen his numerous attempts at legal action meet with repeated failure, culminating in his classification as a vexatious litigant. This...
Renowned radio personality Anele Mdoda embarked on a unique adventure, stepping into the role of a Mr. D Food delivery woman for a day. Venturing through...