The 16th Ekurhuleni LGBTI Pride March, a vibrant celebration of diversity and inclusivity, unfolded in Springs on Saturday. This annual event, renowned for uniting various segments...
Panyaza Lesufi is not ready to be president. The Gauteng Premier, 55, has categorically stated that he does not intend to contest the ANC presidency, setting...
International Relations and Cooperation Minister Dr Naledi Pandor highlighted the paramount importance of science and technology, as well as innovation, in the progress of nations during...
The 35th annual Gandhi Walk, a cherished tradition in Johannesburg’s mainly-Indian suburb of Lenasia, finally took place on Sunday after a three-year hiatus due to the...
Trevor Noah jumped into a fan’s car. The comedy maestro and former host of “The Daily Show” had this unexpected adventure en route to a radio...
The Hawks Serious Corruption Investigation Unit has made significant strides in its fight against corruption by apprehending two individuals, Keabetswe Kgope (35), a police officer holding...
A gunman opened fire at a tavern in Daveyton, Gauteng, on Saturday evening, killing six men and injuring one person. According to police spokesperson Colonel Dimakatso...
Gauteng residents are teetering on the edge of a looming water crisis, primarily driven by skyrocketing water consumption rates. Rand Water has sounded the alarm, highlighting...
There was a fire in the Sun City Resort in Pilanesberg on Saturday afternoon. The South African reports that the resort confirmed the incident. The fire...
Rand Water and Johannesburg Water are sounding the alarm as the water use in Johannesburg is still too high despite calls for more conservative consumption to...