Over the weekend of September 25, extreme weather battered parts of South Africa, leading to a series of disruptive events across the country. The Western Cape...
Zoleka Mandela passed away yesterday, 25 September 2023. The prominent activist and talented writer passed on at the age of 43. Her battle with cancer was...
William Nicol Drive is officially Winnie Mandela Drive in honour of the late struggle stalwart Winnie Madikizela-Mandela. According to eNCA, the City Council approved the renaming...
There has been a concerning rise in house robberies in Brakpan, and women are becoming the primary targets. In two separate incidents reported within two days,...
Some Quantum Foods farms have bird flu in Gauteng and the North-West province. After the company made this announcement, it raised concerns for the company and...
Johannesburg, [25 September 2023] – Commuters in Johannesburg were caught in a traffic nightmare yesterday. The N12 in Johannesburg south was closed due to a raging...
Cilliers Brink says SA will fall if Pretoria falls. The Tshwane Mayor remains resolute in his decision not to grant salary increases this year despite disruptions...
Gauteng’s water crisis continues with this latest development. A troubling scenario has unfolded as some locals contend with dry taps in Midrand for nearly two weeks....
The pending Seriti Klipspruit Colliery retrenchment has sent shockwaves through Mpumalanga. Over 600 employees now face the grim prospect of losing their jobs. In a concerning...
In a tribute to the iconic struggle stalwart widely known as the ‘Mother of The Nation,’ William Nicol Drive will become Winnie Mandela Drive next week....