In a bid to tackle the alarming issue of reading proficiency among South African primary school students, a transformative initiative known as the Alex Literacy Programme...
In a heart-wrenching farewell, the community came together to bid a sombre adieu to Sphelele Khuzwayo, a young learner from Midrand High School who tragically took...
In the town of Kwa-Thema, a significant development has occurred in the tragic case of Kamogelo Moepye (26). A 31-year-old man has been apprehended as a...
Fidelity Services Group is acutely aware of the impact of shrinkage on retailers and underscores the necessity of prioritising customer-centric preventive solutions. As the retail landscape...
A man survived a collision in Douglasdale. Stuart Davies, a man with a newfound lease on life, recently survived a harrowing crash that brought him face...
In a proactive operation, Johannesburg police thwarted a potential armed robbery in the Orlando policing precinct, Soweto, as they intercepted a group of suspected armed robbers...
Jaime Maussan, a well-known ufologist and journalist, stirred fascination on social media as he claimed that there were aliens in Mexico. According to Forbes, he presented...
In a successful special operation conducted by police officers from the Norkem Park Police Station on Saturday, six suspects were arrested for diesel theft. The procedure,...
The overflowing Mamelodi R3 reservoir has caused significant damage, particularly impacting the Mabusela family home in the Dube Street area of Mamelodi East. This incident occurred...
South African corporate giant SA Corporate faces headwinds as it navigates the year’s first half. Despite grappling with rising interest rates and the challenges of load...