Operation Wanya Tsotsi, a proactive initiative aimed at addressing community challenges related to crime, witnessed a dramatic twist when Gauteng Community Safety MEC Faith Mazibuko’s entourage...
Amid ongoing Eikenhof pump station challenges, Johannesburg Water has called on residents to conserve water resources. As reported by EWN, these challenges have resulted in water...
Gwede Mantashe, the ANC National Chair, has strongly criticised South Africans, accusing them of being passive citizens who passively wait for service delivery. eNCA reports that...
Street vendors in Johannesburg’s CBD face significant challenges due to the recent supermarket egg rationing. Retail stores across South Africa have limited the number of eggs...
As Spring arrives and temperatures rise, snakes emerge from their hibernation, becoming active and on the hunt for food. This period, known as snake season, spans...
The Kaalfontein Multipurpose Centre in Midrand, Region A, is making strides toward its vision of becoming a modern, integrated recreational hub. The first phase of development...
Motorsport enthusiasts from Alberton showcased their skills at the iconic Zwartkops Racetrack during the fifth round of the Gauteng Historic Tour. The event, which took place...
During this Transport Month, the expansion of Rea Vaya’s Phase 1C project will encompass one of the primary transport terminuses and urban hubs in the City...
A transformation project led by Ward Councillor Cllr Lucinda Harman has revitalised the Blairgowrie Recreation Centre. This community-driven initiative gained strong support from the Ward Committee...
Alexandra’s emerging artist, Muhluri Mabaza, known as Victor Matoto in the music industry, received recognition as the Hip-Hop Best Newcomer at the 2023 KwaZulu-Natal Namuhla Artists...