Terisa Hsu-Lee’s journey to becoming a Mrs South Africa contestant introduced her to renowned jewellery designer Angela Yeung when she was looking for wedding rings. What...
Over 3 000 kidnappings have occurred in South Africa in three months. Wahl Bartmann, CEO of Fidelity Services Group, is raising concerns about this ongoing wave....
In collaboration with Diageo South Africa, a prominent spirits company, the Gauteng government is rolling out a remarkable opportunity for the province’s underprivileged youth as part...
South African consumers now have access to the itel A05s, a 4G-enabled budget smartphone. Priced at a recommended retail cost of R1,499 (equivalent to US$79), this...
Last summer, Silvermist hosted the captivating 5-star African drum-theatre show Drumstruck, accompanied by wine tastings courtesy of owner and winemaker Gregory Brink Louw. The show deemed...
The CCMA has decided to step in and mediate the ongoing dispute between the City of Tshwane and its staff, aiming to expedite the resolution of...
The African National Congress (ANC) has organised a picket outside the Israeli embassy in Pretoria to express its support for Palestine. In light of the escalating...
Johannesburg’s city officials have issued a stark warning to communities plagued by criminal activities, stating that persistent attacks on their personnel may result in the cessation...
President Cyril Ramaphosa, during the official talks with King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands on the occasion of the Netherlands’ state visit, emphasised the South African government’s...
A Johannesburg university student sparked amusement and bewilderment on social media with a peculiar video clip. Also Read: Centenarian Celebration: Local Elderly Lady Marks 100th Birthday...