A series of Boksburg shootings claimed the lives of three individuals. On October 31, a 17-year-old boy named Levano Vissagie lost his life, seemingly struck by...
The Springbok squad embarked on their illustrious trophy tour as they painted the City of Johannesburg green and gold in celebration. As per EWN, this remarkable...
City Power has launched a comprehensive initiative to address the growing issue of unpaid electricity bills in Johannesburg, focusing on non-paying businesses in Roodepoort, located in...
Multiple law enforcement agencies recently collaborated on a crime-fighting operation within the Brackendowns SAPS precinct. During the operation, Lieutenant Colonel Antoinette Foord, the precinct’s Vispol head,...
Alberton Mall is gearing up for a comprehensive rejuvenation project, aiming to revamp its structure and offerings significantly. The second phase of the project, set to...
The eThekwini Municipality has taken decisive action by suspending officials connected to alleged irregular and fraudulent transactions, amounting to R17 million, associated with housing projects in...
Gauteng grandma takes a spin on a Harley Davidson Badanile Mashego, hailing from Bronkhorstspruit in Gauteng, recently caught the attention of South Africans when a TikTok...
Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Blade Nzimande is yet to respond to the recent ruling by the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria. The...
Actom, a prominent supplier of electrical equipment, services, and balance of plant solutions in the renewable energy sector, has revealed plans to invest R100 million in...
Afrisam, in collaboration with the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE), the Department of Human Settlements, and the Department of Health and Social Development, successfully...