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Metro Removes Inaccurate Tombstone



Metro Removes Inaccurate Tombstone

Cherry Erfurth of Northmead can finally breathe a sigh of relief as the Ekurhuleni metro has taken action to remove a tombstone that was incorrectly placed on her son’s grave.

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In May, the Benoni City Times reported that Erfurth had discovered the tombstone of another child on her son’s grave when she visited Lala Ngoxolo Cemetery in Crystal Park on March 5.

The incorrect tombstone bore the name of Chiedza Mokgope (August 12, 2008, to February 14, 2010), while the mementoes the family had placed on her son Torlquin Martino Joubert’s grave were scattered around the cemetery.

Erfurth had been fighting for months to have the incorrect tombstone removed, but action was recently taken following the publication of her story by the Benoni City Times.


Metro spokesperson Zweli Dlamini stated that officials had engaged with one of the affected families and provided a detailed report on the situation and a plan for the way forward. Efforts are underway to locate the family responsible for placing the wrong tombstone.

Erfurth expressed her happiness that the tombstone had been removed but also voiced concerns about the municipality’s handling of the situation. She questioned whether her child was buried in the correct grave and felt someone had not fulfilled their duties. She had extensively searched the other child’s family through social media and hospitals.

In the cemetery, the Benoni City Times discovered the incorrect tombstone abandoned outside the municipal offices.

The cemetery has specific requirements for erecting tombstones, including submitting an application to the council with a prescribed form and plan, obtaining council approval, and adhering to certain guidelines for memorial work. Work on memorials must also follow designated hours and soil conditions, and cemetery officers oversee the process to ensure compliance.

Erfurth intends to save for the replacement of two damaged angel sculptures and a marble slab engraved with her son’s name.


Source: FOLLOW-UP: Metro takes down incorrect tombstone

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Photo: Supplied by Benoni City Times

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