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Local 22-year-old chef to whip up dishes in Europe



Lotus Gardens Resident Wins International Bursary for Culinary Studies in Switzerland

A resident from Lotus Gardens has recently been awarded an international bursary that will support her studies at the Culinary Arts Academy in Le Bouveret, Switzerland. The recipient, a 22-year-old pastry chef named Keletso Phala, obtained an Advanced Professional Chef Diploma from Capsicum Culinary Studio, Pretoria Campus, last year. Phala was also recognized as the Student of the Year at her alma mater and swiftly transitioned into a role as a brand ambassador for the school.

Phala’s Passion for Food Ignited in Childhood

Keletso Phala attributes her passion for food to her formative years, where she avidly watched cooking shows on television during her primary school days. Her decision to pursue a career in the culinary industry was solidified during a career day expo held while she was in school. Phala recalls being inspired by celebrity chefs featured on shows like Cake Boss, Chopped, MasterChef, and Siba’s Table. She delved into trying out recipes from products like Cremora and biscuit boxes, took consumer studies as a subject, and found solace and joy in cooking and baking.

Favorite Celebrity Chefs and Family Support

Siba Mtongana and Buddy Valastro from Cake Boss rank as Keletso Phala’s favorite celebrity chefs. Despite her family’s initial surprise at her career choice, Phala’s dedication and talent during her time at Capsicum were unmistakable, even to her former educators. The transformation she underwent in confidence and ability was evident to her teachers during a visit to her old school for a career day.


Current Work and Future Aspirations

Presently, Phala serves as a pastry chef at Arcadia’s Preview restaurant, where she not only focuses on pastry but also assists in the hot kitchen. Described as an all-rounder in the kitchen, she expresses her passion for pastry work due to her affinity for intricate details, decorations, and leveraging her visual arts background. Keletso Phala aims to expand her expertise in chocolate and dreams of becoming a chocolatier, with aspirations of establishing her own bakery in the future.

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Source: The Citizen

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