Joburg Council Approves Inner-City Rejuvenation with ActionSA’s Motion

The City of Johannesburg Council has officially green-lit ActionSA’s motion to revive the much-needed Inner-City Rejuvenation project, a long-standing priority aimed at revitalizing the heart of the city. The motion, which calls for the implementation of a resolution first introduced in 2018, sets the stage for the redevelopment of 154 properties, including 37 abandoned factories earmarked for transformation.
Turning Vision into Reality
The re-development of these properties, valued at R32 billion in 2018, was originally projected to create 22,000 job opportunities during construction and deliver 14,000 social housing units. ActionSA believes these numbers have likely grown over time, underscoring the potential economic and social impact of this initiative.
The key objectives of the motion approved by the City Council are clear:
- The regeneration of Johannesburg’s Inner-City remains a top priority aligned with the City’s Mayoral and Strategic Priorities.
- The original Council-approved plan for the redevelopment of 37 abandoned factories into affordable housing units will be revived and tendered to the private sector.
- A quarterly progress report will be submitted to the Council on the status of the redevelopment of the 154 properties and 37 factories, ensuring transparency and accountability.
ActionSA’s leadership is committed to ensuring that the Inner-City Rejuvenation plan not only breathes new life into Johannesburg but also addresses the critical issue of housing for the city’s most vulnerable residents. The plan, once fully executed, aims to rid the area of criminal elements and reinstate a sense of security and dignity for its people.
“We believe Johannesburg can only be revived with political will, and ActionSA has taken it upon ourselves to spearhead this initiative for the betterment of future generations,” said a spokesperson for the party. “We will work closely with the executive to make sure the rejuvenation plan becomes a reality, ensuring it isn’t stalled again while many of our residents continue to live in squalor, violating their human rights.”
ActionSA is committed to turning this vision into a sustainable and inclusive reality for Johannesburg, ensuring the city is rebuilt to its former glory while fostering an environment of opportunity and prosperity for all.
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