JMPD Arrests Speeding Motorists Including Mercedes Driver at 158km/h

JMPD Arrests Speeding Motorists Including Mercedes Driver at 158km/h. Two motorists were apprehended by the Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department (JMPD) High-Speed Unit for excessive speeding. Among the incidents reported, one involved a male driver operating a Mercedes Benz as reported by Jo’burg Metro Police Department – JMPD.
The individual was caught driving at a staggering speed of 158km/h in an 80km/h zone at the intersection of Golden Highway and Stockwell Road in Bushkoppies.
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Following their arrest, all suspects were taken into custody at the Eldorado Park South African Police Service (SAPS) station.
The JMPD’s High-Speed Unit continues its efforts to enforce road safety regulations and ensure the well-being of motorists and pedestrians in Johannesburg.
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Photo: Twitter / @JoburgMPD