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DA’s Motion to End Illegal Mining in Ekurhuleni Rejected by Speaker



illegal mining in Ekurhuleni

During a recent metro council meeting, the speaker rejected the DA’s motion to end illegal mining in Ekurhuleni. This rejection has sparked criticism from the DA, who accused the EFF/ANC-led coalition government of inaction.

Tania Campbell, the DA leader in Ekurhuleni, said that the party had presented the motion in council to exert political pressure on the government to take effective action against the rampant illegal mining activities in the region. The consequences of these activities are dire, resulting in loss of lives, infrastructure damage, and harm to the economy.

Campbell elaborated on the motion’s intent, stating that it sought to establish a multi-disciplinary task team involving all levels of government. This task force would focus on eradicating illegal mining while bolstering the visible policing patrols of the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Police Department (EMPD) in areas where such activities are prevalent.

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Communities affected by illegal mining have been vocal about their concerns, calling for decisive measures against these unlawful operations, often led by “zama zamas.”


The DA’s commitment to addressing this issue has extended beyond the council meeting. Campbell noted that the party had also written to President Cyril Ramaphosa’s office.

In response to the motion’s rejection, Campbell expressed frustration at the ANC and EFF’s handling of the matter during the council meeting. She highlighted that the situation’s urgency demands cooperation and immediate action, as the consequences of illegal mining continue to affect lives and infrastructure.

The Boksburg Advertiser has tried to contact the mayoral office for comment. But a response has yet to be received at the time of reporting.

Source: Motion to eradicate illegal mining in Ekurhuleni rejected

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Picture: Facebook / City of Ekurhuleni

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