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Former Cops Sentenced to 10 Years for Extorting R14,000 in Johannesburg



JOHANNESBURG – Two former police officers have been sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for extorting R14,000 from a printing business owner in Rivonia. Lehlogonolo Tsagane and Jabulani Ngobeni, both 47, received their sentences from the Specialised Commercial Crime Court in Palmridge on Tuesday.

Incident Details

Gauteng National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) spokesperson, Phindi Mjonondwane, recounted that on November 28, 2020, the officers, while on duty, received a tip-off about a suspect branding clothes with the South African Police Service (SAPS) logo. They rushed to the scene and demanded R1.5 million from Maxwell Chiyangwa but settled for R14,000 after threatening him with arrest.

The officers instructed Chiyangwa to transfer the money into his wife’s account. She was then escorted to the Woodmead shopping complex to withdraw the cash, while Chiyangwa was left with one of the officers.

Arrest and Sentencing

Chiyangwa reported the incident, prompting an intensive investigation by the provincial corruption unit of the SAPS. Tsagane and Ngobeni were ordered to surrender themselves to the Johannesburg Central Police Station on September 21, 2022.

The court, considering the officers were first-time offenders and had pleaded guilty, deviated from the prescribed minimum sentence of 15 years, sentencing them instead to 10 years imprisonment.


NPA’s Stance on Corruption

Phindi Mjonondwane highlighted the NPA’s progress in tackling high-profile corruption cases. “Almost 700 government officials have been convicted of corruption since 2019. We remain committed to upholding the law and ensuring those who break it, even those sworn to enforce it, face the full might of justice,” Mjonondwane stated.

Broader Impact

This case underscores the severe consequences for law enforcement officials who exploit their positions for personal gain. The sentencing sends a strong message about the commitment to combating corruption within the police force and other government sectors.

The sentencing of Tsagane and Ngobeni marks a significant step in the ongoing fight against corruption, reflecting the judiciary’s dedication to maintaining integrity and accountability within South Africa’s public services.

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