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Houghton’s two-month stormwater drain leak spews thousands of litres of water



drain leak in Houghton

A persistent drain leak in Houghton has raised concerns about the adequacy of stormwater drain maintenance and inspections conducted by the Johannesburg Road Agency (JRA). Rob Kaplan, a resident of Linksfield who frequently takes strolls in Houghton, contacted the Gazette on May 8 to express his worry about a leaking stormwater drain that has remained unfixed for two months.

Kaplan explained, “There is a significant and continuous water leak that I have been reporting to our local councillor for the past two months. The leak wastes thousands of litres of water per day. The owner of the adjacent property has also been reporting the leak weekly and has approached his councillor in Houghton for assistance, but unfortunately, there has been no resolution yet.”

According to Kaplan, approximately 1000 to 1500 litres of water are lost daily due to the leak. Ward 73 councillor Eleanor Huggett acknowledged her awareness of the leaking stormwater drain, stating that she has reported and escalated multiple similar issues.

“I recently had a councillor forum meeting with Johannesburg Water, during which I was promised an update on a ward-by-ward basis,” said Huggett.
The Gazette has obtained a report from urban management addressed to Huggett, documenting the reported service delivery issues that have been escalated.

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Bertha Scheepers, the Operations Manager of JRA, stated that the entity was unaware of the leak. She added, “Following this media inquiry, a JRA inspector conducted a site visit. Based on preliminary investigations, it appears to be a water pipe issue rather than a drainage issue. JRA will be requesting Joburg Water to inspect the area, and we will provide an update early next week.”

Scheepers further explained that stormwater drains are typically checked twice a year during winter to prepare for the upcoming rainy season. Regarding turnaround time, leaking stormwater drains are usually addressed within two weeks. However, the process may take longer for Capex projects that require budget allocation for the financial year.

The ongoing drain leak in Houghton highlights the importance of regular maintenance and timely repairs to ensure effective stormwater management. Operations are underway to address the issue, and residents are encouraged to continue reporting any concerns to their local municipality to ensure prompt action.

Source: A two-month stormwater drain leak in Houghton is spewing thousands of litres of water

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Picture: Twitter / MyJRA