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Bokke Tour: Dainfern Learner Scores Front Row Seat Experience



Dainfern College learner

Dainfern College learner Desmond Koolen lived out his dream when he recently had the chance to meet the entire Springbok squad after their return from the Rugby World Cup in France. The 7-year-old, affectionately known as ‘The Feel Good Kid’, welcomed the rugby heroes on stage at Multichoice City in Randburg, where he delivered a heartwarming speech for the Boks.

Expressing his excitement, Desmond said, “It was very exciting because I had just hoped they would comment or repost my Instagram videos. I never thought I would actually get to meet them like this.” The young rugby enthusiast spoke from the heart during his surprise appearance, recounting, “I did not know that I was going to be speaking on the stage. When we got to SuperSport, uncle Mark from SARU said he was taking me on stage and letting me speak to the Bokke. Mommy told me to just speak from the heart, and that is exactly what I did.”

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Desmond’s memorable moment reached its pinnacle when rugby player Cheslin Kolbe presented him with a medal. Showing humility, he returned the medal, acknowledging, “I gave the medal back because I did not earn it and Cheslin worked so hard for it. And then just taking photos with all the players and chatting to them a bit.”

Desmond gained widespread recognition after his rendition of the ‘Feel Good Song’ by James Brown for a school production went viral on social media. Despite the newfound fame, he remains grounded, saying, “It’s been cool, but I’m still just me. I still go to school and do homework, and all my drama and soccer and play PlayStation when I get a chance.” He attributes his confidence to his love for the stage and the support of his coaches.


Source: Dainfern learner’s front row seat on the Bokke tour

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Picture: X / joy_zelda

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