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COSATU Calls for Greater Consultation in ANC’s Government of National Unity Talks



JOHANNESBURG – The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) has urged the African National Congress (ANC) to involve its alliance partners more thoroughly in the ongoing power-sharing discussions within the Government of National Unity (GNU).

Lack of Consultation

During a media briefing in Johannesburg on Monday, COSATU disclosed that it was not given the opportunity to provide input on the GNU negotiations. Despite being in alliance with the ANC and the South African Communist Party (SACP) for over three decades, COSATU claims its contributions have been minimal in the current discussions, including the allocation of ministerial positions.

Mike Shingange, a representative from COSATU, emphasized the difference between being briefed and being consulted. “We want to separate being briefed and being consulted because those are two different things. So, when you are consulted, it doesn’t mean your views must be taken into consideration but at least you were asked for your views. But we were briefed about the statement of intent,” Shingange explained.

Acceptance of Political Realities

Despite the lack of consultation, COSATU has accepted the ANC’s decision to collaborate with its political adversaries. “We knew that once we go to the Government of National Unity, there would be no way we can exclude the Democratic Alliance,” Shingange acknowledged. This pragmatic approach reflects COSATU’s understanding of the political landscape and the necessity of working with diverse political entities to achieve governance stability.

Awaiting Cabinet Announcement

As the GNU progresses, there is still uncertainty regarding the announcement of the new cabinet. This delay has left many, including COSATU, awaiting further details on how the power-sharing agreement will shape the future government structure.



COSATU’s call for greater consultation highlights the need for more inclusive dialogue within the ANC’s GNU negotiations. While the trade union federation has come to terms with the political alliances being formed, it emphasizes the importance of involving long-standing partners in decision-making processes. As the nation waits for the new cabinet announcement, the dynamics within the GNU continue to evolve, reflecting the complexities of coalition governance in South Africa.


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