Language: Afrikaans
“What did my child say before he died? Did he call out to me?”
How do you and I deal with those who are simply different on a daily basis?
Who is a voice for the voiceless?
Where to with all the violence and corruption?
Untouched you will not be!
In this poignant Afrikaans production, the award-winning theatre maker Christo Davids tackles themes that touch every South African personally: How do you and I deal with the many disabled people in our country on a daily basis, those who are simply different? Who protects them, and is a voice for the voiceless?
Where to with all the violence and corruption? With this new work, Davids follows up his
acclaimed Queenie-hulle, which focused on the plight of the homeless. He once again boldly tackles themes from which others sometimes shy away. True to him, he will also make the audience laugh and of course cry. You will not be untouched! In this compelling story, he tells us the story of Nathan, a young boy who dreams of becoming a policeman one day and looking after his mother and his community. On one fateful day, he once again set off on foot to buy his daily packet of
Lemon Creams?…
This story was inspired by and is dedicated to the late Nathaniel Julies, and many others like him. Nathaniel was a 16-year-old boy with Down syndrome who was allegedly shot dead by the police meters from his home in Eldorado Park.
The case has not yet been settled. The question we must answer is: What and who is normal? Is Nathan abnormal in a normal society? Or is Nathan normal in an abnormal community…?
“Wat het my kind gesê voor hy dood is? Het hy na my geroep?”
Die bekroonde teatermaker Christo Davids pak in hierdie aangrypende produksie temas aan wat elke Suid-Afrikaner persoonlik raak: Hoe hanteer ek en jy daagliks die talle gestremde mense in ons land, die wat bloot ánders is? Wie beskerm hulle, en is ’n stem vir die stemloses? Waarheen tog met al die geweld en korrupsie?
Davids volg met hierdie nuwe werk sy bekroonde Queenie-hulle, wat op die lot van haweloses gefokus het, op. Hy takel weer eens met waagmoed temas waarvan ander soms terugdeins. Getrou aan hom, gaan hy die gehoor ook laat lag, en natuurlik laat huil. Jy sal nie onaangeraak wees nie!
In hierdie meesleurende verhaal vertel hy vir ons die storie van Nathan, ’n jong seun wat daarvan droom om eendag ’n polisieman te word en na sy ma en sy gemeenskap om te sien. Op een noodlottige dag is hy weer eens te voet op pad om sy daaglikse pakkie Lemon Creams te gaan koop?.?.?.
Hierdie verhaal is geïnspireer deur en word opgedra aan wyle Nathaniel Julies, en die talle ander soos hy. Nathaniel was ’n 16-jarige seun met Down se sindroom, en is na bewering meters vanaf sy huis in Eldoradopark deur die polisie doodgeskiet. Die saak is nog nie afgehandel nie.
Die vraag wat ons moet antwoord, is: Wat en wie is normaal? Is Nathan abnormaal in ’n normale gemeenskap? Of is Nathan normaal in ’n abnormale gemeenskap.?.?.?