South African rugby captain Siya Kolisi recently enjoyed comedian Mpho Popps’ hilarious new comedy skit featuring his doppelgänger. Mpho Popps shared images and a video on...
Matthew Perry, best known as Chandler Bing from “Friends,” passed away suddenly at 54, leaving a profound impact in Hollywood and beyond. Perry’s portrayal made him...
In anticipation of his historic show at Madison Square Garden on October 7, Castle Lte hosted an unforgettable send-off party for DJ Black Coffee. The event,...
Black Coffee will perform at Madison Square Garden. EWN reports that the Grammy Award-winning DJ and producer, known in real life as Nkosinathi Maphumulo, is set...
Sir Michael Gambon passed away on 28 September 2023. The distinguished actor celebrated for an illustrious career spanning six decades, has left us at 82, as...
LOS ANGELES – The monthslong Hollywood writer’s strike has ended with the acceptance of a pay deal negotiated with production studios. EWN reports that the writers’...
A fresh and original pocket musical Actress, conceived and written by Talia Kodesh and Bruce Dennill, is set to captivate audiences at Pieter Toerien’s Studio Theatre at...
Cardi B threw a mic at an audience member during her recent performance in Las Vegas. She made it clear that she is not one to...
Samsung, the South Korean electronics giant, has revealed its latest smartphones, the Galaxy Z Flip5 and Galaxy Z Fold5, as part of its foldable portfolio. The...
The devastated family of the much-loved Binnelanders TV actor has confirmed that Bradley Olivier passed away on 20 July at the Life Flora Hospital in Johannesburg....