Gauteng online admissions for grades 1 to 8 now open

Gauteng online admissions open today for Grade 1 and Grade 8 pupils for the academic year 2024. Jacaranda FM reports that this announcement marks the eighth year since introducing the province’s online admission system across schools.
According to Gauteng Education MEC Matome Chiloane, this year’s process will adopt a unified application model for both grades. Chiloane explains, “The 2024 Online Admissions will follow a single application process. This means that parents and guardians applying for Grade 1 and Grade 8 will all apply at the same time, and during the placement process, offers will also be issued simultaneously.”
Parents and guardians must log in to, which will go live today, Thursday, 15 June 2023, at 08:00 AM. The application period will close at midnight on Friday, 14 July 2023.
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MEC Chiloane emphasises that the process does not exempt Grade R pupils who are applying to schools where they are already enrolled. He states, “Grade R learners are NOT automatically accepted in Grade 1 at the school where they are currently enrolled in Grade R. This means that all learners who are turning six by 30 June 2024 and are currently enrolled in Grade R, as well as learners not in any type of school, must apply on the system for admission to a minimum of three and a maximum of five schools.”
Furthermore, Chiloane highlights that SMSs containing Placement Offers will be sent to parents from 4 September 2023 until the final learner is placed. This process ensures that parents are promptly informed about the outcome of the admission process.
As Gauteng’s online admissions open today, parents and guardians are encouraged to make use of the designated online platform to apply for their children’s admission to Grade 1 and Grade 8. The unified application process aims to streamline the admissions procedure and ensure fairness and efficiency in the placement of pupils.
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Picture: Twitter / EducationGP1
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