Experience the glamorous lives of five extraordinary moms in the reality series, The Mommy Club, now streaming on Showmax with new episodes every Tuesday. Delve into...
Kgothatso Montjane, one of South Africa’s esteemed wheelchair tennis players, recently shared her remarkable journey with Martin Bester. Born in Polokwane, Limpopo, with a congenital disability,...
A City of Joburg official has recently been sentenced for corruption by the Brixton Magistrate’s Court. Hlengani Voster Maluleke, a 41-year-old environmental inspector for the City,...
Bassonia’s Medellin Gentlemen Groomers went all out to celebrate dads on Father’s Day, creating a memorable experience for their customers. To show their appreciation, customers were...
Gauteng has been grappling with a significant cholera outbreak over the past month, causing alarm among its residents. The attack originated from two sisters from Diepsloot...
Passengers, including Claude Ronnie Msowoya and his family, faced a frustrating flight chaos as they attempted to reach Johannesburg, South Africa. However, they were compelled to...
Victoria Falls, a renowned tourist attraction situated on the Zambezi River and spanning Zimbabwe and Zambia, is set to become even more accessible for South African...
Anthea Leitch, the MMC for human settlements in the City of Joburg, unveiled a new affordable housing initiative in Roodepoort, located south of Joburg. The city...
The South African housing market is currently favouring buyers in many areas due to the stagnant economy and higher interest rates that have decreased the number...
The digital transformation of Johannesburg is quite impressive. Beginning from limited internet access from the 90s to the current state where the city has fully embraced...