The crime hotspot in Diepsloot has experienced a surge in violence, with at least 20 people losing their lives in the first three months of this...
In a vibrant celebration of Youth Day and in partnership with the 47th anniversary of the Soweto Uprising, the NBA Johannesburg Juniors League organised a basketball...
Friends of Johannesburg Cemeteries (FOJC) is spearheading the initiative to have the 5,000 ash walls at Braamfontein Cemetery restored to their former glory in a monumental...
Two Singaporeans died in South Africa on Sunday afternoon during a river canoe expedition that took a devastating turn. As per The Straits Times, the victims,...
A burst water pipe damaged a residence in Ridgeway, highlighting the consequences of what started as a minor water leakage. On June 8, Ridgeway experienced a...
Dubai International Chamber is expanding in Africa, with its latest international office in Johannesburg officially opening. With 21 global offices, including five in Africa, the new...
Tshwane metro is struggling with the refuse collection due to budget constraints, confirmed spokesperson Lindela Mashigo. At the beginning of the year, the waste department reduced...
Johannesburg recorded an earthquake on Monday, according to the confirmation from the Council for Geoscience. As per Jacaranda FM, the tremor was felt on the West...
South Africa got embarrassed on the global stage as its ill-fated participation in the African peacekeeping mission to Ukraine and Russia turned into a shambolic endeavour....
Johannesburg is falling apart. Its residents feel the strain of a deteriorating city. Solomon Owa, a 51-year-old tailor, runs his business from his garage, relying on...