A Laudium fire claimed the lives of five children, prompting Gauteng police to initiate a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the devastating incident. EWN reports...
The EMPD Anti-Cable Theft Unit officers achieved a significant breakthrough. They successfully apprehended a Thembisa job scammer on August 9, exposing his fraudulent job scheme. The...
Amidst the growing political tensions in Johannesburg’s Government of Local Unity, several parties remain resolute in their belief that the calls for Gwamanda’s resignation will fail,...
The 13 N12 highway truck hijacking suspects appeared in the Benoni Magistrate’s Court on 22 August. The suspects include two metro police officers from Tshwane and...
Amid the high-profile BRICS Summit, an international relations analyst has said President Cyril Ramaphosa’s real challenge lies in SA. As the country hosted the eagerly awaited...
The police are intensifying their efforts to ensure community safety as they confront the issue of illegal mining in Florida. In a recent update on August...
The NSPCA has applauded that a pitbull breeder received a fine after seven years in Roodepoort, a landmark judgment after the organisation initially filed animal cruelty...
South Africa is grappling with a concerning surge in nonrevenue water (NRW), where almost half of the water transported through the country’s infrastructure disappears due to...
In a shocking turn, the chaos of an armed robbery on August 15 escalated to a hijacking ordeal in Monument. The victims of this attempted hijacking,...
Taking a firm stance against unauthorised power access, City Power, supported by Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department (JMPD) officers, executed a disconnection operation targeting illegal power connections...