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Local Entrepreneur Empowers Community Through Vegetable Gardens



Vegetable Gardens

Thuthukani ‘Makoya’ Khumalo, a resident of Nobuhle Hostel in Alex, is trying to educate locals about the significance of cultivating vegetable gardens at their homes.

Originally from the rural town of Ulundi in KwaZulu-Natal, Khumalo arrived in Johannesburg in 2000 in search of better opportunities. Drawing from his rural upbringing, he recognised the importance of cultivating the land.

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In November, Khumalo initiated his personal garden project to provide sustenance for his family. Recognising the potential of vegetable gardens to combat hunger and poverty, he now seeks to share this knowledge with others.

“I started this garden because I grew tired of constantly buying basic necessities like onions, spinach, and cabbage,” Khumalo explained. “As someone without formal employment, I had to think creatively to make the most of my limited financial resources. I firmly believe that addressing hunger and poverty begins with small initiatives like this.”


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Driven by the country’s economic challenges and food security issues, Khumalo urges individuals to optimise their small spaces by planting vegetables in their backyards or rooftops. He believes communities can reduce dependency on handouts and cultivate self-sustainability by doing so.

“It’s time for us to embrace the fundamentals and educate the younger generation about farming,” Khumalo emphasised. “We must utilise our available space to grow food and impart the importance of vegetable gardens and the farming industry.”

Through his mission, Khumalo aims to empower his community, spark self-sufficiency, and inspire a return to the essential principles of food production.

Source: Local entrepreneur encourages residents to use their rooftops and backyards to plant vegetables


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Photo: Supplied by Alex News

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