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Are you exercising enough?



The pressure of finding the best tips and guidelines to follow when it comes to exercising is real. Sometimes you find yourself going through so many of them that you don’t really know if what you are doing is enough to achieve the desired goal.

With that said, consistency is key, so getting up to speed with what experts are recommending will help you answer the question: “Are you exercising enough?” For example, structured routines might just be the starting point to help you with this.

Exercise is any activity that makes you use your muscles to exert force and it is crucial to fully understand what you’re doing when exercising, says Dr. Howard Knuttgen, research associate in physical medicine and rehabilitation.

The above-mentioned research associate says finding the time to exercise regularly is probably the hardest component of the exercise regimen and suggests switching up your strength training sessions with walks, walking quickly to the gym on the days you work out, or exchanging thirty minutes of TV watching for thirty minutes of physical activity.

According to JJ Rodriguez, a clinical exercise physiologist at Houston Methodist: “To reap the full health benefits of exercise, you’ll need to reach an optimal quantity of it – which is at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week for adults. Split evenly throughout the week, this breaks down to about 30 minutes per day.”


“Getting 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a week is the gold standard as far as optimal health goes, but any exercise is better than none,” the physiologist adds.

Also see: 5 Signs you’re not drinking enough water

The post Are you exercising enough? appeared first on Bona Magazine.

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